Is there somewhere to get these drivers if you want to run really old hardware?
Is there somewhere to get these drivers if you want to run really old hardware?
I can’t eee how blocking API use helps train LLMs.
Even if the users has a 3rd party app, it’s still making the API calls, so whatever data is already on the server side.
There are free vpn services? How do they data mine you?
Wait are you talking about the reboot they did in like 2015ish? The were-monster episode and the Mandela effect guy were like the funniest shit ever.
I literally fell out of my chair onto my living room floor laughing at that shit. If you were a fan of the original show I must recommend at least watching those two episodes.
I want to believe.
I used to like that show :(
lol this is how it helps you with your homework? You ask it the question, then you list the multiple choice answers. Then it tells you the answer?? Lmfao oh god, we’re fucked.
Yeah once the mainstream media started picking up Reddit stories, that’s when Reddit started going to shit.
Yeah that number has to be way bigger than the others for this reason.
I’m just pointing out how he could do the thing that person you originally replied to was suggesting. I’m not saying it makes sense or is reasonable.
He can still deploy Seal Team.
And so no other country can do it because of that. Got it. ☑️
Why does it require long work hours?
How is it that no one else anywhere is able to replicate this fabrication process?
You mod 16 subs, what do you get?
Another day blocking API requests.
Saint Peter don’t DM me cuz I can’t go.
I owe my soul to Spez’s asshole.
Everyone says, they are not bringing their best angles. Triangles. Quadrangles. And some I assume are acute angles.
Management wants us to add more AI and Machine Learning so the user ends up in the parking lot.
That’s some Russian troll most likely.
Getting two birds stoned at once.