Not from State Farm. Sorry to disappoint. I’m just a half-Iranian American exploring the fediverse. I am interested in science, tech, philosophy, animals, comedy, a wide range of music, and even politics. Though the politics in my country are plain depressing atm.
Oh last I heard the creator of the progress flag was collecting royalties.
Edit: I guess that was just a rumour.
The OG rainbow pride flag was open source unlike the progress flag. Edit:This wound up just being a rumour.
Better not tell perplexity about this.
Wouldn’t it technically be anarchy?
A lot of these complaints seem to be issues that come with socialized healthcare.
Don’t you need a prescription for them? Of course they wouldn’t want shady online retailers selling controlled substances.
So slack is stealing trade secrets?
Well there goes my chance to own a Tesla.
Maybe they don’t have enough support.
If Taler gives info law enforcement without a warrant then it isn’t really private.
Laughs in MAIDS.
Fucking Canadian Idiots.
Oh the description was using the present tense so I thought it was already made rather than just an idea.
Is there any footage of what it looks like?
Strange, I cant seem to find and meantion of that term by searching for it.
What is an noIM?
Can I get one that applies to millionaire celebrities?
Didn’t gab do something like this a while back?
Weird, they ended it before they met their 100 shirts goal.