I’m just some guy, you know.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • I’m not sold.

    Only two Ethernet ports. No SFP. Only available on AliExpress. Dishonestly marketed as the “first router designed specifically for OpenWRT”.

    Perhaps they are the first to make a router for OpenWRT the FOSS project, but certainly not the first to make one specifically for compatibility with the OpenWRT the Linux-based OS.

    CZ.NIC (Czech Republic) makes several fully open-source routers under the “Turris” brand that run their own open-source variant of OpenWRT called “Turris OS”. It’s basically just an Open-WRT based distro with a custom frontend + root ssh and LuCI, and you can go vanilla if you want to.

    GL.iNet (China) makes dozens of routers all designed for OpenWRT. They come standard with a custom install that includes a custom frontend and a handful of integrations, but you’ve gotta root ssh and LuCI, and you can go vanilla.

    There are probably more out there. I think GlobalScale makes a few also, once on Kickstarter.

  • This is something more people need to understand. Just because Putin is the bad guy doesn’t mean that everyone ethnically or nationally Russian is your enemy.

    Hell, with conscription and an estimated death toll of 725,000 on the Russian side, we need to start recognizing this as a profound tragedy for the Russian people. Most of these men don’t know what they’re even fighting for, and a lot of families are going to end up shattered as Putin continues to use these conscripted men as pawns.

    Way too many folks out there ready to celebrate the Russian death toll while flinging around ethnic slurs (“orcs”) because they think that they’re somehow sticking it to Putin, the man sending his people to their death.

  • I’m not against using AI to explore sexuality, including practicing with a chat bot, but the technology just isn’t there yet. Most sexual talk from a chatbot comes from erotica. There’s plenty of written erotica for all types of people, so it can be pretty versatile, but it is generally just going to act as a fantasy machine, which makes for terrible practice. Real people aren’t like that.

    But as AI and AR/VR become more mature, we’re going to get some pretty outrageous fantasy machines that are going to fuck up a lot of young men. I’m not even against full-on ultra-realistic hardcore simulations of sex, I just think we’re going to be really unhealthy with it like we usually are with this kind of thing.

    Young men can hardly separate fantasy from reality and end up having parasocial relationships with camgirls instead of seeking real world companionship. When they can get a virtual deepfake blowjob from any girl with enough Instagram selfies to simulate, they’re going to end up broken in the worst way imaginable, and women will be on the receiving end of that exploitation.

  • The math on this doesn’t really check out. The USA uses 322 billion gallons of fresh water per day. A hyperscale datacenter uses only 5 million gallons per day.

    There are about 1,000 hyperscale datacenters in the USA, so that comes out to 5 billion gallons of water every day.

    That’s 1.5% of our annual freshwater usage, half of which is in closed loop systems and not going anywhere, and the other half being returned to the atmosphere where it will rain back down as fresh water again.

    And of course, the water cycle doesn’t really care about national borders or annual evaporation rates so much, and there is about 1 quintillion gallons of liquid fresh water available worldwide, so its not like sequestering 5 million gallons really offsets the available freshwater needed for hydration and agriculture.