Familienvater, Tech- und PV-Fan (12,6 kWp/15,6 kWh), Elektromobilist, Gutmensch, ParentsForFuture, im Herzen grün

geboren um 333 ppm

Hinweis: AfD-Fans, Schwurbler, Putin-Fans, sonstige Leerdenker und Nappsülzen werden kommentarlos blockiert.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • People may not like it but a reputation system could solve this. Yes, it’s not the ultimate weapon and can surely be abused itself.

    But it could help to prevent something like this.

    How could it work? Well, each server could retain a reputation score for each user it knows. Every up- or downvote is then modified by this value.

    This will not solve the issue entirely, but will make it less easy to abuse.