• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • I’m only ever logging on because there’s a problem, so i login infrequently, like may be every few months.

    So i want want to see the os version as I have some downgraded on purpose, and that’s helpful to see. I also want to see uptime, disk space, ip address, ram, and kernel version. These all help me understand basic issues if the box is rebooting or needs a reboot or it out of disk space very quickly.

    Obviously, there are a million and one other ways to get this information, I could even stick them in my .zshrc to auto start on login as I’ve done with fastfetch, but why on earth would I do that when fastfetch works, takes less than a second to run on sign in, and looks pretty?

    It’s not like I am not launching a connection to them 100s of times a day.

  • I use powershell for work as I need the m365 modules for work and its very flexible with decent module availability to plug in all sorts.

    However it absolutely sucks for large data handling, anything over 10k rows is just horrendous, I typically work with a few million rows. You can make it work with using .Net to process it within your script but its something to be aware of. Being able to extend with .Net can be extremely useful.

  • I was under the impression that ios used sleight of hand with apps to reduce memory footprint for inactive apps rather than how android manages its recent apps list? Is it still requiring special permissions to run non apple apps in the background as active tasks? AI will need to run the background and will need a decent chunk of RAM to do so.

    I completely agree that changing the processor or revising NPU or similar is too much to do late stage, I reject that for increasing RAM or storage, both can be changed closer than 12 months from release and I would also reject that apple had the AI changes planned for much less than 12 months out as well. It just feels like a big fuck you to anybody buying a flagship from apple this year as it wont last the length of time it should do for normal consumers who would expect all of the latest AI features to roll out during the supported window.

  • With how polished Apples AI on mobile was at launch compared to Gemini on Android at launch were it could not even do basics like timers I suspect Apple had it in the works for far longer and it would not have been a total surprise.

    Also you are describing the situation at launch for new hardware, the software will evolve every year going forward and the requirements will likely increase every year. If I am buying a flagship phone right now I want it to last at least 3 years of updates, if not 5 years. The phone has to be able to cope with what is a very basic requirement that is enough RAM.

    This isn’t some NPU thing, this is just basic common sense that more RAM is better for this, something the flagship iPhones could have benefited from for a while now.

  • I switched from Pop OS tiling that I had retro bolted onto stock ubuntu to Sway, massive step up and more importantly I get to keep my Ubuntu/Wayland base.

    As with most add on WMs I had a bit of a learning curve sorting out the extra bits and pieces that just come stock as part of Ubuntus Gnome implementation such as a launcher (I use dmenu), a menu bar (swaybar for me), and even a lock screen (swayidle). Even doing things like wallpaper needed more effort.

  • My concern with this is that they have been cosying up to the likes of BlackRock so we’ll see a for profit shared ownership scheme that will be just awful in practice and future governments can make it even worse.

    For the private market all I want is simpler planning, a ban on building on flood plains, stricter regulations around new build sizing and construction, and taxing land banks at full value of any planning permission they hold or land value, which ever is higher.

    Couple that with a mix of social housing based around council housing and not for profit social housing and we are good. However I cannot shake that they are trying to do this on the cheap up front and that costs us in the long term.

  • Ever since it got expensive. It also used to be possible to get it pre approved but heads are reluctant to do so now even if it for something special.

    However it was being used by schools to hide chronic persistent absence, just massage the figures for those kids who take a lot of time off by saying some of it was “approved” holidays.

    In reality all it does it is protect the vastly inflated holiday prices out of term time as parents have to balance the cost of the fine vs. money saved on the holiday.

  • The problem is that a lot of those type of loons post some really easy to find batshit craziness online, the kind that means they have to be booted from the party.

    With the speed of reforms decision to run and field so many candidates running properly vetted selection would have been very difficult and expensive. The money Farage talked about spending on vetting was nowhere near enough to do a proper job.

    So I am not surprised if they invented fake people, far harder for the press to out loons if they don’t actually exist. It’s right on brand for the likes of Farage to break the rules like that.

  • I don’t buy that at all. The Tories yeah 100%, but they aren’t there anymore, the adults are back in charge and the EU is going to want to shutdown right wing morons that have been spreading across the EU by showing Brexit was always a shit idea.

    The stages of Brexit copium are very similar to the narcissist prayer, we are at the point equivalent to you deserved it right now with the excuses to stay out.

  • Are you forgetting Starmers statements around women only spaces as it seems like it.

    Farages entire point of existence is to drag the overton window to the right, which he succeed yet again, particularly around Brexit.

    The other big concession Starmer made, this time because of the Tories, was not to raise taxes, which was also incredibly dumb. As was honouring triple lock.

    My biggest issue with Starmer making claims like these is that he will stick to them. Someone like Boris is too lazy and an out and out liar so has no problem dropping things. Starmers big pitch to be different is that he will stick with what he says.

    By sticking to what he said around terfs issues, Brexit, taxes, he really fucks his options in these areas, and for what? As you and I have both said, toil not out crazy Farage or be trusted by people who these are important issues for, so it’s a massively stupid thing to do.