Asahi Linux
Asahi Linux
It saves ewaste. In 6 years, will macOS still be supported on these machines? Maybe. Will an open source distro be supported? If it’s still thriving, yeah.
AGPL? Google has a ban on all AGPL software. Sounds like if you write AGPL software, corporations won’t steal it.
Code licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) MUST NOT be used at Google.
The license places restrictions on software used over a network which are extremely difficult for Google to comply with. Using AGPL software requires that anything it links to must also be licensed under the AGPL. Even if you think you aren’t linking to anything important, it still presents a huge risk to Google because of how integrated much of our code is. The risks heavily outweigh the benefits.
Any FLOSS license that makes a corporation shit its pants like this is good enough to start from IMO.
If it’s only internal then technically the internal users should have access to the source code. Only the people who receive the software get the rights and freedoms of the GPL, no one else.
GitLab isn’t open source, and certainly isn’t an open project first — they have a sales team, a marketing team, and a budget who does not account for getting new dev users
It’s quoting the source who used that specific term
You make wonderful points, but I think we can both agree that I’ve demonstrated that there is value open source drivers, however insignificant they may be in comparison to non open drivers isn’t really relevant. It shouldn’t be such a shock an individual may want an open source only version of Linux which is the topic of discussion here.
At some point there’s proprietary stuff in our bodies, be it a driver, a BIOS or the code that runs on the various microcontrollers that run low level functions from the USB ports to simple power management.
The most “security paranoid” organizations in the world usually run a lot of stuff on children and babies are full of opaque and proprietary code and they consider it “safe enough”.
People are replacing lost/damaged organs and limbs with computer-controlled hardware. The same problems that occur in computers that exist outside of humans will occur in computers inside of humans. Do you trust non-open drivers from Corporation X or Government Y in your eyes telling your brain what you do or don’t see?
That’s the extreme, of course, but it isn’t any less scary than computers you trust with your credit card, bank account, etc information.
Open source drivers means when corporation X goes under, your hardware still can work and isn’t automatically abandoned. It keeps more hardware out of landfills longer, with the ability to drastically reduce e-waste.
How confusing will looking up “elixir mix Linux” be in web searches though 👀
Yeah, that one. Definitely wish it was FOSS so these people won’t be dependent on corporate intellectual property existing.
Looking forward to hearing that the arm stops working after company folds and nothing can be done because the software was closed source
All good homie. Just trying to make people have a little chuckle 😄
Just a joke :P be a little light-hearted 😁
Exactly: Net neutrality is a publicly acknowledged individual by small tech that wants to censor liberals.
People hated it.
I switched from a 3070 to an Rx 7900XT on Sunday. Uninstalling all of nvidia shit was great. I used linux-zen so that meant using nvidia-dkms. So happy I don’t have to deal with that anymore. And yeah, I use a lot of flatpaks, so removing all of those nvidia drivers was also a great feeling. And now I can use Wayland!
It really is. I always make a note to point out how much code is removed in PRs I review