Very similar to this tedx talk: 😂
Very similar to this tedx talk: 😂
My favorite Ted talk is a Tedx talk. It has has helped me and past classmates quite a lot. I still rewatch it before giving presentations.
The quality of the content sadly often matters very little in comparison to the manner of speaking and self presentation.
It is now directly in the notebook in the latest version:
Yeah. This post was made to show off something cursed I created.
I have already updated the repo to make it more obvious this is not standard Python. I will do the same with the post.
Conveniently Python keeps the comments around. 😄
I updated the source after this post was made. The image transcription still holds. I did not update the image and the post text.
You can view the git history. I will tag the specific commit at the time of the post later and update it accordingly.
I have updated the repository. Just clone it.
The lib module was written by me. Actual implementation code is here:
Well now that causes breakage two dependencies down the line. Good luck with that. 😅
And have fun with regional licensing. Subtitles only in German sorry. Audio only in German sorry. This title is only available in USA. This title is only available until midnight.
On a serious note:
This feature is actually very useful. Libraries can use it create neat error messages. It is also needed when logging information to a file.
You should however never ever parse the source code and react to it differently.
You know that this is acutally working right??? 😊
I don’t understand why all these chrome derivatives and firefox don’t just band together and extend manifest v3 with some vendored standardised extension that addresses the limitations.
Browsers do that for CSS and JavaScript features already. An extension could just check if the browser supports the “unlimited filters” option and use it if its available.
I have never researched it but heard that the permissions of manifest v3 are much better for privacy.
I am in favor of removing manifest v2 if the vendored extension becomes a reality.
Browsers already have too much complexity, lines of code and feature creep.
My personal theory for the curved edges is, that samsung just wanted to prevent cheap off brand replacement screens.
I have searched for alternatives. There are none that I am aware of. I just want a streaming box that can run jellyfin with a simple remote. I really don’t want to use a keyboard in bed.
If anyone knows a simple setup that boots straight into jellyfin with a remote, I would love to hear about it.
So you would need buffer barrieres essentially.
Still user watches video. Ad avoidance skips forward to buffer barrier to play ad in the background. Streamed ad is thrown away and new buffer data is received. User does not notice if the video is long enough.
In this case the buffer limit is the metadata.
Can you provide some sources that support this claim?
Well the player and its controls are client side.
I think dd is the right tool for the job. Consider using pv though. It can be much much faster.
I have a samsung tv from 2016 and it always lags terribly when switching inputs. Sometimes the menu takes 20 seconds to load. What is it doing?
It is so annoying that one can’t ditch m$ keys and still boot windows. Sure you can sign the windows bootloader with your own keys. However it checks its own signature and just refuses to boot.
If anyone has a solution let me know.