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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Not enough of the mundane has been preserved throughout human history, it continues to be a big problem for historians. Especially when they only have major - likely very coloured or outright lies - official records of events and cultural touchstones to go on.

    Why do you think we get so incredibly excited when we uncover something as mundane as the pricing artwork on an ancient Roman food stall? Because that stuff wasn’t preserved, nobody bothered to record such details, so much is lost because nobody thinks their place in history matters enough to bother saving it.

    We’ve reached a point in our development where we now have the ability to preserve snapshots of our civilisation in great detail, with extreme ease. We owe it to ourselves and especially to future generations to do so.

  • Hyundai and Kia upgraded their cars’ anti-theft tech in early 2023. Vehicles equipped with the enhanced software will only start if the owner’s key, or an identical duplicate, is in the ignition.

    Fucking… What? A 2023 anti theft technology upgrade added the space age cutting edge concept of starting the car with… the key?

    If my car could start without the key in the bloody ignition I’d be furious, that’s what the key is for, haha. You can add extra doohickeys to enhance security, but the first line of defence is the key that starts the car.

    Absolute madness.

  • Stop the far right events in your area

    That’s the police’s job, not a civilian like myself. If you’re able to tell me when and where these events will be, then the police are aware and will be in attendance.

    Do you really think I’m equipped to subdue someone like the bloke that chased a muslim out of a petrol station near me today with a CHAINSAW…?

    The police are trained, equipped and legally in the clear to attack such people. I on the other hand am not. I will not be attending the far right riots and attacks to attempt to stop them.

    There’s standing up to racism, and then there’s being reckless with one’s own safety.

    I agree with the idealist sentiment of standing up for goodness and counter protesting of course, but let’s consider reality for a moment. These are riots, not protests (or protests that are on the tipping point of becoming riots).

    At best, our attendance to what - mock, jeer and antagonise the far right rioters? - won’t go down well, and could easily lead to even worse violence. At worst, it could lead further, to deaths or life-changing injuries.

    Let the police do their jobs. We can fight back in so many other ways that don’t involve physically confronting an angry violent mob in the streets.

    Stay safe <3

  • Is this any surprise? The rich won’t allow any politician, let alone major political party of them, grow to any real level of power unless they are aligned with their interests.

    Politician refuses to side with the rich? Well then, they’ll find their funding dry up, their message not getting out in the news, or any online media algorithms, with their more rich-friendly competitors receiving all that support, until their path to any real political office is dead.

    By the time any political candidates or party get to run the actual country, we can assume they’re in the pocket of the rich ruling class (and often are members of that class).

    So, why then is it surprising that the government and their various lackeys are doing what they can do protect the interests of the rich, to the detriment of the rest of us?

    The system is completely broken from its very core.

    I don’t have a solution to suggest, I wish I did, but while I do still vote, it’s clear that voting makes very little difference in the end - it just lets us pick which colour scheme we prefer, where we want small amounts of the budget shuffled around to (to make it look like they’re actually doing something), and which version of rhetoric we want shoved down our throats for a few years while what they actually do is work to protect and empower the rich.

  • Damn, I knew the original term was offensive now and had wondered what they replaced it with, intellectually disabled sounds kinda offensive too xD

    Like, it’s not just saying this person has a cognitive disability, but that they’re lower on a class level as well.

    I know that’s not the intent and it’s miles better than the old offensive term, but something like “cognitively disabled” sounds much less offensive than “intellectually disabled”. Wish they went with something like that.

    I think it’s probably because the term intellectual is used in society to describe a class of people (e.g. “Why yes, I’m an intellectual, I read Yeats while you people read the daily rag”) who tend to think of themselves as better or smarter than others…

    So, calling someone “intellectually disabled” sounds like it’s an insult someone from that class would use on someone they wanted to look down on, you know?

    I’m glad they moved away from other misused medical terms, but yeah, pity they settled on a term that sounds like it’s throwing shade ><

  • I could find common ground with an invading space alien.

    Doesn’t mean I’m going to act like that means it’s appropriate for me to work with them or claim they’re not evil.

    I keep hearing about this Lammy guy being a right knob.

    …Certainly be seems stupid - just because you follow the same organised religion as someone else and come from a similar socioeconomic background, doesn’t mean you’re even remotely anything alike.

    It’s a good thing this guy who doesn’t understand how people work (or is lying about it) isn’t in charge of anything important. Right?

  • For years now, our government and a large vocal chunk of our population are doing their best to keep foreigners out, cut ties outside of the country, and make it very clear that if you’re not British you’re not welcome here.

    Why would universities be surprised by this turn of events? They’ve seen it happening for years now.

    Furthermore, even young people from the UK are reconsidering university too, partly because we were all deeply lied to about how useful a degree would be in getting a job,

    and partly because thanks to huge changes over the past 15 years in the costs of university and costs of living, it’s become impossible for many young people to attend university even if they wanted to.

    Some groups in the UK are working hard to both restrict access to education for our own people, whilst also working hard to keep foreign people out of the country.

    Think about that for a moment, and you may be as worried as I am.

    Education, along with the mixing of cultures and peoples is important for the health of any free, prosperous nation. But these things are the enemy of authoritarians, fascists…

  • Just going from the headline, I assumed the “Heritage Foundation” was a non profit that worked to preserve our civilisation’s historic buildings, locations, works of art and culture.

    Turns out they’re just bigoted fascists, I guess? Huh.

    A lot of those over in the USA at the moment. I mean, we have our fair share in Europe too, but ya know, it feels like it’s reaching a tipping point in the USA where fascists have by now infiltrated everything at all levels… :-/

  • I adore this website! So much! ❤️

    Lots of people have issues with the concept of voting based on policies, for valid real world reasons,

    but this survey does a great job of making you sit down for the better part of a hour to compare all the high-level policy promises and weigh then against each other, and at the end giving you an idea of which party at least claims to be more your cup of tea.

    It’s an educational tool, and a way to get the brain working and thinking about the election a little differently.

    Will I vote for who I got in my results? That’s between me and my ballot, but I certainly found the results eye opening! :-)