nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]

If America were to go to war with Satan, I would side with Satan as America is the greater Satan

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


    • Joe Biden ran against Trump’s horrific immigration policies and wall building. Joe Biden is now pushing an immigration policy that is even worse than Trump’s. Joe Biden has waived dozens of laws to facilitate the construction of Trump’s border wall through environmental preserves.

    • Joe Biden ran against Trump’s horrific foreign policy and trade war with China. Joe Biden has changed nothing, instead doing the opposite and pressing China even harder and stacking pathetic foreign policy blunders higher than Trump’s stupid ass did.

    • Joe Biden refused to engage in any diplomacy with Russia. The war in Ukraine is a direct result of that.

    • Joe Biden is fully supporting Israel’s horrific genocide.

    Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both fascists.

    If you genuinely think voting for a genocidal, racist, anti-immigrant bastard like Biden is going to do anything good, then I put it to you that you are a fascist.

  • The analogy doesn’t even work if we ignore the massive difference in time scale. Languages develop organically, they are not managed. Comparing a managed and developed system and a twenty year timespan to an organic language system over a five hundred year timespan is just ridiculous.

    Because it is a paid OS and it’s developers are writing code for financial gain, if they are not being paid to write the code, it doesn’t get written.

    They are being paid to write the code. Microsoft is just choosing which code they should write, and it doesn’t include any old devices because they want you to buy new devices.

    It’s perfectly reasonable to expect compatibility, and lay blame when there isn’t any. Microsoft simply doesn’t provide it.

  • you can’t blame Roland or Microsoft for not supporting a 20 year old device on the latest versions of the OS.

    Why not?

    You can’t expect indefinite hardware support for every random little device you happen to find, this like the sound card above is on you, not Microsoft.

    Why not? Linux development is mostly volunteer, and these things are easily compatible with Linux. It seems like you can absolutely expect support for every device, it’s just that Microsoft isn’t willing to provide it.

    None of the above quoted examples are noob issues, this is like you are talking to a person in old english from the mideval times and being mad that a random guy in the middle of Londing in 2024 can’t understand you.

    Notice that you had to exaggerate a 20 year timespan into a 500 year timespan to make this analogy work?