Found the immortal billionaire. Your username fools no one, highlander.
Found the immortal billionaire. Your username fools no one, highlander.
I don’t want my penis remembering that much.
Someone’s getting hangry and needs a Soylent.
Now that there’s a Microsoft/Windows app store, any app not sourced there is sideloaded.
Thanks, Obama.
Gavin Nelson, that’s the guy that did “After the Rain,” right? Love that guy. Fitting song for these trying times.
They’re fucking, aren’t they?
Ukraine produces more than its fair share of excellent programmers.
Do you have a source on the food supply angle? Sounds interesting and enraging.
Oh yes you are, mister!
It’s all just a scam to get you to buy tons of filament. They know you’ll never follow through.
Some people are into that.
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I bet they don’t get very many cancellations either.
No, but I enjoyed your retelling.
This happened in the apartment I just moved into. I had to call to verify my identity and they had to unblock something on their side due to the previous tenant ostensibly not paying.
I have absolutely no problem with this.
Wasn’t there talk of a mass strike in the U.S., at some point? We should do that.
I stopped using shampoo for unlisted purposes.