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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Load average of 400???

    You could install systat (or similar) and use output from sar to watch for thresholds and reboot if exceeded.

    The upside of doing this is you may also be able to narrow down what is going on, exactly, when this happens, since sar records stats for CPU, memory, disk etc. So you can go back after the fact and you might be able to see if it is just a CPU thing or more than that. (Unless the problem happens instantly rather than gradually increasing).

    PS: rather than using cron, you could run a script as a daemon that runs sar at 1 sec intervals.

    Another thought is some kind of external watchdog. Curl webpage on server, if delay too long power cycle with smart home outlet? Idk. Just throwing crazy ideas out there.

  • Not op. I installed windows 10 on my custom built desktop and my kids custom built desktop, on VM, etc. Have not had a problem and it was pretty simple overall. I’m sure some folks do have issues, though. Shit happens. Is windows 11 shittier for install? I’ve never had the desire to try :)

    I’ve also installed various Linux distros on the above and a few other computers (Mint, Nobara, Fedora). Aside from Mint not working with my AMD RX 6600, no problems there either, really. And these distros installed easily.

    Again, ymmv. I knew Mint would probably fail because the 5.19 kernel does not seem to like my GPU. That’s why I switched to Nobara in the first place (iirc the 6.x kernel wasn’t available at the time)

  • Maybe in my old age, I have mellowed out and realized, like everyone else, I can be a dummy at times. And so I am a hell of a lot more patient with users who don’t know everything (or much of anything). I also have become more interested in human factors (mostly as a spectator…or victim).

    Looking at this I am actually kind of curious what their specific workflows are. While “cut” might do the trick if I had to cut and paste files to a bunch of different directories I would want to bash my head in. (Of course I would be using Linux, btw, and would do it at the shell prompt lol) But seriously, there is a better way to reorganize many files to many directories in a UI than cut/paste.

    When I was 25, and an insufferably arrogant IT nerd, I would’ve downvoted you and mocked this hapless individual; I hang my head in shame thinking about who I used to be. :( I’ve come a long way. I’m not as arrogant… I’m just insufferable! \o/