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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • TypeScript is still built on JavaScript, all numbers are IEEE-754 doubles 🙃

    Edit: Actually I lied, there are BigInts which are arbitrarily precise integers but I don’t think there’s a way to make them unsigned. There also might be a byte-array object that stores uint8 values but I’m not completely sure if I’m remembering that correctly.

  • I’m a CS student and Linux was great for all of the programming classes. For any classes that were more writing focused you can still use the online versions of MS office/Google drive. I’m assuming there aren’t any programs you’ll need specific to psychology but that is sometimes a problem with some STEM majors like engineering

    The one problem that kept me dual-booting on my laptop was OneNote. I like taking notes using a pen for some classes (and my laptop has pen support) and nothing I tried on Linux even comes close in my experience. I tried obsidian + excalidraw plugin, along with xournalpp, but nothing came close for the way I take notes.

  • Technically I think python already has an intermediate step that it uses before it starts running a script that compiles it into a lower-ish language (at least the cpython interpreter does this, it probably isn’t a part of the language specification though)

    The actual line between JIT languages and interpreted languages is pretty thin since I think most interpreted languages do something similar to minimize the amount that needs to be done at runtime

  • Screw it. Let’s actually make python script an ISA that gets run on physical hardware with no higher level tooling. Then we can have the python virtual environment which runs this for fools who don’t have the right hardware. Finally, when people start complaining about naming we make Python Script 2.1, which is a JIT language built on top of IL that looks nothing like either of them but can emulate both python and python script with the performance cost of being a quarter as fast as both.

  • Imo it’s context dependent. Obligatory “I’m only a college student/intern” out of the way.

    Whenever I’m working with a project with multiple languages (e.g. split frontend+backend, different connected services, etc.) operators like that can get blurry when they aren’t consistent between lancuages. Especially when one of those languages doesn’t have runtime type enforcement or has weird boolean behavior (looking at you JS/TS) which can lead to unintended behavior

    If everyone on the project is only working with that language, then your point is probably pretty close to the mark.

  • IMO I’d say the same thing about windows’s “Temp” folder though.

    I agree that a lot of Linux isn’t user friendly but I’m also on a distro that is specifically supposed to be customized from the ground up (arch-based) using a tiling window manager which also involves configuring most things from the ground up. This isn’t a problem that most Linux users will likely have, but it is a problem that people may have if they are power users trying to have full control over their system (people who will be on a community about Linux). From what others in this thread have been saying, non-arch distros (and even arch with other aur helpers than yay) tend to have much smaller caches that get up to around 10Gb at most, which is also similar in size to what Windows’s temp directory uses.

    This is a Linux community on a FOSS platform. This community is inherently going to be filled with more “geeky” people. Isn’t this what we signed up for? You make it seem like Linux was ever attracting people who weren’t these type of people to begin with. Computer science is still a growing field, and most sane computer science curriculums involve using POSIX terminal commands and by extension linux at some point. I’m a zoomer and can confirm, we’re not all as hopeless as you think we are. Linux will be fine even ignoring all of its corporate and government backing. And for people who don’t even know what a file is, they probably won’t know what Linux is in the first place. Even if they somehow have a system preconfigured with linux, their Ubuntu or Linux Mint install will probably be clearing the cache for them.