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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I think there ARE other ways to combat this, and the main one is ending activist investors that empower the Jack Welch pump and dump doctrine.

    If someone wants to invest in something because they like it, they should be able to do that. What they should NOT be able to do is overwhelm a company they may or may not even like with dollars and then tell the company how to run its own business. If you don’t like what a company is doing, you SELL YOUR STOCK.

    It’s this incessant worshiping of the shareholder that is step # 1 of enshittifcation.

  • It ‘can’ be overwhelming, yes. I’ve never found, however, so MANY online guides that literally tell you step by step what to enter in the terminal window to succeed. There’s always a learning curve, it’s just about whether or not you want to pay Windows every month to avoid figuring this out. This is why I mentioned Mint specifically, btw. It’s the most user friendly.