You’re joking right? No they have not… I love NASA, but acting like what spacex has done is only because of NASA is bullshit.
You’re joking right? No they have not… I love NASA, but acting like what spacex has done is only because of NASA is bullshit.
Cool, then get NASA to actually do something vs hamstringing itself with bureaucrats…the only reason people like you rage against SpaceX is because it’s tied to that idiot musk.
Lol @ fantasy numbers…only a tankie would think that.
Yea we have problems, but acting like china is better is hilariously wrong.
No…just no. China’s prison population is not counted correctly, just from their forced reeducation camps, its estimated they have 1-2 million people in them. The usa has around 1.2 million in prison. So no china does not have less prisoners. I don’t know where this bullshit lie showed up but it’s been repeated way to long.
Does the USA have a problem with incarcerating people for non-violent offenses, hell yes, but that’s a whole different argument.
Oh, that’s a little bright
One person does what 10 people did in the 50s, these assholes just want control, and companies like this shit for brains, is going to have workers who don’t care and just want a paycheck. He’s not getting cream of the crop with his pouting childish screams. He’ll be irrelevant in a few years.
That’s true, seems like you’d need to know where they’re going though, like a ton of work just to hopefully get one machine infected that has anything on it.
I see what you’re saying. You’re assuming someone grabbed a bunch of cpus, fucked with them, then tossed them back into the box and sold them as new.
It’s not going to be there because if you’re compromised via physical access, no one is going to give a shit about this exploit… it’s like someone having the keys to your house and then being worried they’re going to smash out a window to gain access.
That’s not how this exploit works at all…you have to have physical access to the machine basically. This is a nothing burger.
This article should say, with this one easy hack you can control an AMD users PC, all you gotta do is break into their home at 10pm right before they log off from browsing reddit and bam access.
I see, batteries do seem to cost more but the way I see it, 30k car and then a 10g new battery pack and your good for another 200k miles, I just don’t see why you would go with a new car again.
Engine failure doesn’t mean the car is done. You can rebuild engines for a 1/10th of the cost of another car. The engine is not the only thing that makes a car a car. Just like batteries should not be the only thing that makes an electric car a electric car.
That’s a good thing.
Even then the batteries should not outlast the car. That’s insane.
I thought most of the google fiber rollouts where constantly stuck in legal battles with the telecoms. I know here in my state, att basically blocked it constantly by claiming they didn’t have the resources to move their wires to another spot on the public poles.
No that’s just proper maintenance… allowing salt to sit on the car constantly is not keeping up with maintenance.
Also as the other user has stated rust belt has nothing to do with cars rusting.
Uhh do what? You’re assuming the cars last less than 10 years? Who are these people throwing away cars after such a short time?
Almost a trillion dollars. It was like 980 billion…yea…
NASA has a ton of internal bureaucracy, hell they have an article on it.