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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • I am a huge fan/proponent of FLOSS where possible.

    That being said, for enterprise solutions with large teams, I have yet to see a FLOSS solution that is as intuitive or ubiquitous as the major players.

    For instance, I fucking hate zoom. Basically everything about it. But I also can’t possibly suggest other platforms for remote recording participants because I deal with people across the computer literacy spectrum. They all understand zoom, regardless of generation or experience with a computer. When they don’t understand it, it’s easy to guide them. I hate it but it’s reality and it’s a major cost when you abandon popular platforms.

    It is a tall ask when folks want me to be the trendsetter who makes my company the company I work for break from the major platforms to their own detriment in the hopes that others will follow suit all to save a few thousand dollars a year and to advocate for an ideal.

  • Have you been in a riot or a protest that escalated enough to provoke swift/decisive police response?

    I’m not challenging your activism bona fides here to be clear. But i am trying to say that it is very difficult to work through a mental checklist when shit starts to get rowdy and one should never bank on making a series of proactive decisions while under duress/in a time crunch/in really any stressful scenario.

    Instead of telling people “just be careful and do X, Y, and Z” you should be pushing back against the laws and practices that make you want to tell people that to begin with.

  • Everyone brings their phones to protests because they have cameras and it’s how they communicate with others. Riots are also rarely planned in the US so so I doubt even a majority of the participants will remember not to bring a phone with them.

    I understand you’re being somewhat tongue in cheek, but the flippancy of your statement downplays the chilling effect this can and will have on protests and other gatherings. It also impacts one of the most powerful tools we have for accountability: the cameras on our phones.

    Notice that Louisiana just banned filming police officers within I believe 25ft. These governors/legislators aren’t stupid. This is all a very deliberate, coordinated effort.

  • Dude I think you need to do a little research. I am typing this to you on my M1 Max with 4 monitors…2 of them are at 144hz

    A cursory Google search will show you that a lot of the information you threw up there is incorrect. It does seem you’re right about the air m2 model supporting only 1. However the M3 MbAir supports 2 so definitely not the case that all base Mx models support 1. Just the M1 and M2 base chip airs, and who is buying a base model M1 air in 2024? Way too long in the tooth. So functionally it’s 1 single model they have listed.