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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024


  • universally publicly-funded endeavor

    History has always been in the hands of the victors. We’ve finally created a significant exception. But, status quo society doesn’t want the responsibility of reasoning out their own decisions or understanding those of others. They’ll believe it best to hand their power back to their oppressors. Even if they believe their oppressors “good”, they’re choosing to enslave greatness to democratic mediocrity. Anything but personal sacrifice.

  • I do know that AT&T has a fiber line that runs through my neighborhood, yet I can’t get fiber internet

    The local exchange carriers (LECs) typically change from plain olds telephone system (POTS) to fiber at the neighborhood level. Coax carriers also.

    Fiber to the neighborhood is already there. It’s not hard to run a line across a neighborhood to connect whatever on either side.

    The difficult part is getting from a neighborhood connection to each individual home. It’s a flower pot install on each property, all connected together underground, and it can’t fuck with gas, water, sewer, etc.