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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • I also have to subscribe to and use Adobe software but suggesting it’s less buggy and less expensive than other apps is delusional.

    The moment you try and do anything outside of basic image editing, Photoshop immediately shits the bed.

    It’s riddled with features that were half developed or half removed. Tried using any of the 3D stuff? It pops up a box saying “We’ve abandoned this and it probably won’t work, but go ahead and try because we haven’t properly removed it”. Using artboards? Probably not, since half the app seems to break with them, including their brand new features like Live Gradients that rearrange themselves when you save.

    Looking for a filter? Well there’s 2 places to look since they seem to have lost interest in the filter gallery half way through, then piled mediocre AI filters on top. It’ll be a slow search, since for some reason some popup windows take fully 3 seconds to open, probably due to their 4 different UI systems in various states of abandoned.

    Photoshop is widely used today because it was good 15 years ago. If someone hasn’t already creating a leaner, more stable, better designed, more ambitious piece of software, it’s only a matter of time until they do.

  • I doubt the information needed to accurately predict their costs is publicly available.

    But they announced $29.2 billion in revenue in 2022. That’s about as much as countries like Australia, Canada and Italy spent on their entire military.

    And that’s just money. Google is absolutely aware of how much indirect value there is in the internationally recognised brand and near total capture of a communication medium.

    So again, who exactly am I supposed to feel sorry for? Who is supposed to be suffering? It’s not their staff. It’s not their shareholders. It’s not their suppliers.

    They pay a lot of creators fuck all, despite the platform being nothing without them. Will the extra revenue be going to them? Because nobody has mentioned them in any of their guilt trips so far.

    As far as I can tell, I’m supposed to feel morally obligated to listen to KFC advertisements at ear splitting volume every 2 minutes for the privilege of watching a video that will make the creator nothing so that some of the wealthiest people in the world can grow wealthier.

    To put it bluntly, that’s corporate propaganda.

  • Whatever helps you self soothe kid.

    But the funniest part of all of this, is that I wasn’t even talking about Andrew Tate supporters. They were an example of the embarrassingly stupid shit that people believe, despite your claims that the internet has made everybody better informed than pre-internet relics.

    And I could pull out 100 more examples. They supported a president that suggested injecting bleach or “finding a way to get sunlight inside the body” as potential COVID cures both before and after. They’ve literally killed people based on the cold-reading of a shit-tier, 4chan Nostradamus. There are people who genuinely believe the earth is flat. There is a sitting politician that talks about “Jewish space lasers” and “peach tree dishes” and people donate money to help her keep her job.

    But you can’t, because you don’t actually know shit about the world before the internet, the people who lived in it or if the claims about them you pulled from your ass will hold up to even the slightest scrutiny.

  • Okay, so you don’t actually know who you’re talking about, but you’re certain you’re correct.

    I was giving you the benefit of the doubt in case it was a miscommunication and we were talking about entirely different groups of people.

    But nope, you’re just saying any old bullshit with absolute conviction because you want to look like the smartest person in the room.

    Reading back, it’s actually pretty obvious that you didn’t experience Reagan nor the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. You’re just extrapolating your 5 years of adulthood backwards 50 years and assuming you’ve nailed it.

  • Every single piece of apologism here casually pushes the idea that YouTube isn’t profitable and their poor staff are starving.

    In 2020, YouTube gleefully declared they were generating $5 billion in ad revenue every 3 months.

    Even after their bandwidth, storage and incredibly well paid engineers, there’s no way they’re burning that much money on expenses. That’s a billion dollars – 1000 million – per data center, per quarter. Enough to buy half of the CPUs leaving Intel’s factories

    They’re not attacking ad blockers because they’re struggling to make ends meet as they hack away in their garage.

    They’re doing it because there is no amount of money that can quench the greed of their shareholders.

    And there’s you, grovelling at their feet.