I hate this pop up, I had to re-signin every day into outlook with my private Microsoft email address. EVERYDAY, THEY ARE BOTH MICROSOFT PRODUCTS. HOW CAN YOU FUCK THIS UP SO BADDD?
22Yo from the Netherlands, Electrical Engineering, Woodworking & Gaming
I hate this pop up, I had to re-signin every day into outlook with my private Microsoft email address. EVERYDAY, THEY ARE BOTH MICROSOFT PRODUCTS. HOW CAN YOU FUCK THIS UP SO BADDD?
Landings not guaranteed.
Lmao, that one got me.
It’s the best for normal users (price vs performance), not for VR pros or the best experience possible.
Mandatory: fuck Facebook / Meta
I was running a Vanilla+ Minecraft server and was wondering why my plugin was not working. I had forgotten to unzip it before uploading it to the Ubuntu server vm and didn’t know how to unzip on Linux. So I just unzipped it in windows and re transferred the file. Yaay RSync.
Otherwise just basic mistakes command in the wrong folder type of stuff.
This factorio has a native linux cliënt!
I have premium and use revanced, I agree.
I second this I’ve got a remarkable 2, it’s great.
I know it has been fixed in a kernel patch for the other 95x0 models and should be ready in some 6+ kernels but I’m not sure for the 9500
I’ve already switched to pipe wire, didn’t change a thing for me unfortunately.
I did try using a live boot of fedora a few months ago (kernel 6+) but it didn’t work there
I’ve heard multiple people say this as the reason for not using Firefox, but I can’t remember if I ever had sites not working on FF. Does it happen often for you?
If you are in the EU I think you are legally allowed to request they delete all your data. Might be worth it.
If (Status != Prev_Status) {Send_All_User_Data();}
Yeah, I’ve made a custom lock screen picture and uploaded it. I unfortunately have to redo it every update.
Also what is a .vimrc file?
I love it, thanks for making this.
I don’t know what the extended warranty price is in your region but for me with my XPS 15 9500 I would recommend it. The repair guy has been at my home like 5-6x. Stuck pixel screen replacement, factory trackpad defect > replaced > which caused the fingerprint reader to stop working> in the end it magically fixed itself. Use the phone line with your “premium” support the whatsapp helpline fucking sucks.
Besides that it is an amazing laptop, I love it.
I hope they don’t screw the auto OC. I have never OCed but my motherboard did decide once that my normal default core frequency of 3.2GHz was too low, and did an automatic unstable OC which resulted in a nice and high 1,2 GHz -__-. I had to switch it to a manual OC, and then back to automatic and it was fixed.
Space Engineers is such a good game
What does that do, is this a del * equivalent?
I use Fedora on my desktop, and mint on my laptop (this one is going to get wiped soon for Fedora as well). I tried manjaro but it just wasn’t for me. I installed it on the recommendation of my friend, and I like it a lot. Except for it not staying asleep because a part on the motherboard kept sending a wake command -__- . But a CMD fixed that issue.