waterfox ftw
waterfox ftw
can’t just root the sous vide?
so why would you buy an $1800 phone if you can’t root it and load some FOSS on it?
well damn… learned more about mining in 267 pages than I ever thought possible
too bad AI is going to fuck it all up long before then
the future is in plastics
now tell me why it isn’t sustainable
fuck that. you want to be a musician, you play venues and engage with your fans instead of just releasing a one hit wonder that took half a week in the studio to make and made you millions
they gave you AutoTune?
Cameron Poe?
would you trust Boeing to save you from an asteroid?
almost forgot about Dante’s peak. that was the shit!
not all heroes wear capes. thx homie
but wait… there’s more
correction… Netflix started by mailing DVDs, even before Redbox was a thing
say it again, friend, but in dutch
they want people to procreate
yeh, strokes per minute sounds a lot better