• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • this brings up the question: what is a book? what is art? if an “AI” can now churn out the next harry potter sequel and people literally can’t tell that it’s not written by JK Rowling, then what does that mean for what people value in stories? what is a story? is this a sign that we humans should figure something new out, instead of reacting according to an outdated protocol?

    yes, authors made money in the past before AI. now that we have AI and most people can get satisfied by a book written by AI, what will differentiate human authors from AI? will it become a niche thing, where some people can tell the difference and they prefer human authors? or will there be some small number of exceptional authors who can produce something that is obviously different from AI?

    i see this as an opportunity for artists to compete with AI, rather than say “hey! no fair! he can think and write faster than me!”

  • this is what i’m frustrated with. why do all these engineers let themselves be told what to do even if it makes a worse-functioning tool? that’s not real engineering.

    “because they’ll get fired”

    not if enough of them do the thing that should’ve been what got them interested in engineering in the first place.

    maybe we shouldn’t call them engineers, but something else relating to being the one who does the dirty work for institutions that aim to steal people’s attention and decrease their quality of life.

    and if they do get fired, then they should join together and make the reasonable company that makes good tools for human use.