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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Nah, it’s good. No pressure. These are just resources that I kinda had to stumble across, although im sure theyre in some super accessible place and im just a ding dong. Figured if they could help another person, then so be it.

    It’s hard times right now, you do what you gotta do to keep on keeping on. Lemmy.world is a completely fine choice. They’re a large, mainstream place to get comfortable in. But, if you get bored one day and want to check out what else is out there, you’ve got something to get you started.

    I wish you luck, some free time, and some peace of mind.

  • The app won’t let you without signing in, I don’t think, but i think the website does. Try this link or you can go to deezer.com and if you go to the hamburger menu at the bottom it has an “explore channels” option.

    Edit: It’s odd they don’t let people browse I’m a more friendly way. And just so you know, once you sign up, you can search, make playlists, download for offline etc, the mostly same as spotify. When u first sign up, it also give you the option to migrate all your spotify plsylists over. Out of my thousands of songs saved, it did have 2 or 3 that didn’t transfer over due to just not having it.

  • Can’t tell you how often I get a reminder to keep my eyes on the road, just because I repositioned my head, or tilted it down to stretch my neck. My eyes are on the road damn it. Now my car will turn off in the middle of the highway if i get a stiff neck…great.

    Also, I had no idea subaru did this. I saw a recent article that mentioned a few big named car brands, and subaru wasnt included, so, i was naively hopefull. Plus, I realize im being recorded anyways, in an infinate amount of ways, but i didnt realize the car was in on it too. Wow, that sucks. I need to pay better attention, no pun intended.

  • Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I feel like anything produced by AI should be somehow watermarked at the source. At this point there’s only a handful of companies. It wouldn’t be too hard to have them all insert something into the final product that is easily identifiable. Something like a microscopic signature in a corner, with model info and date produced…idk. Not anything that ruins the image, but something that can be seen by anyone, if looked for.

    If nothing else there should be a large push to inform the public of telltale features to look for (i.e. too many appendages) to help them determine if it’s created by AI or not. While not fool proof, if it can discount even a portion of the misinformation, imo, it’s worth an effort.

    To me, it seems irresponsible of the companies running the AI to just unleash it upon the world without training us humans to understand what we’re looking at. Letting us see how realistic everything is while letting us know its been produced by AI, at least helps us to comprehend the scope of the matter and adapt to the situation at hand. Esp for those who don’t fully grasp what AI can and cannot do.