There’s no way he’s asking for that. If you can find a source for that claim I’d love to see it. But it’s about the dumbest thing musk could do.
There’s no way he’s asking for that. If you can find a source for that claim I’d love to see it. But it’s about the dumbest thing musk could do.
It certainly does contain all the right words. I mean, it won’t happen…
It would be great if it works, but it won’t.
AI developers are like the modern version of alchemists. If they can just turn this lead into gold, this one simple task, they’ll be rich and powerful for the rest of their lives!
Transmutation isn’t really possible, not the way they were trying to do it. Perhaps AI isn’t possible the way we’re trying to do it now, but I doubt that will stop many people from trying. And I do expect that it will be possible somehow, we’ll likely get there someday, just not soon.
I can answer that. We won’t.
We’ll keep iterating and redesigning until we have actual working general intelligence AI. Once we’ve created a general intelligence it will be a matter of months or years before it’s a super intelligence that far outshines human capabilities. Then you have a whole new set of dilemmas. We’ll struggle with those ethical and social dilemmas for some amount of time until the situation flips and the real ethical dilemmas will be shouldered by the AIs: how long do we keep these humans around? Do we let them continue to go to war with each other? do they own this planet? Etc.
Not for me. I’ve found a clever way to avoid these ads.
Ok, now I see what’s going on. You’re a bot or a troll.
This is a thread over two weeks old, nobody is reading this thread… You just posted this response less than an hour ago and it already has a lot of upvotes, more than all the posts nested above it (which have been there for two weeks).
Nobody is reading this, so there’s basically only one way to get any response that strong that quickly (negative or positive). A network of accounts supporting some posts and suppressing others.
Is not a lie, that’s just what I remember. I remember messing around with computers, doing whatever I wanted with them, but that was back in high school when we’d just hang out at the mall; I haven’t been to an apple store in a long time.
What’s really weird is to make such a big thing about this. Why get all passive aggressive? I mean look, even when you’re sure someone is wrong about something, that doesn’t mean they’re maliciously lying, it just means they’re wrong… You can tell them that.
Policy may have changed…
That’s impressive, or should I say scary? 150w is a lot of heat to dissipate… I hope those aren’t laptop chips…
Capitalism does not breed innovation, it steals it.
That does make me wonder though, which countries do breed the most innovation?
What’s the startup capitol of the world? How does one set of national policies stack up against another when it comes to the number of patents or successful businesses per Capita?
As much as the sentiment of your statement feels right, I wonder if the numbers back it up, or if it’s more truthiness than truth?
And to be clear, I’m really not trying to throw shade here, I’m actually curious, questioning my own preconceptions.
Well he’s not Tony Stark…
Oh good, that’s better.
That is hilarious.
I spent a while trying to figure out how a cat could possibly long press a power button, even pressing it at all should be a challenge…
Then I remembered that most people use laptops.
I would be impressed if a cat could hold the power button in for several seconds on my tower, you have to depress the button about a 1/4 inch.
Lol, Tim Apple. Who was it that said that? Was it Biden?
When I check out a device in the store I definitely pick it up, hold it, turn it over, and generally look at every part of it. Things like a charging port on the bottom would probably stick out…
Or like in this case, with the power button on the bottom, I’d definitely notice that as annoying.
What software do they let you load?
Basically anything you want, they don’t tend to watch you at the apple store, unless you seem like you actually want to buy something. They want you to mess around with the machines, so I’ve never seen them password protected in any way, you have admin access.
Users aren’t trying before they buy so the display is the most important aspect
Trying before you buy is literally the entire point of the apple store
Hey, I agree with you, the yuca mountain facility was literally built for that. And yet, even then there was enough nimby sentiment to prevent it from going into use. Just crazy.
What’s amazing about this headline is that it’s clearly inaccurate as they’re confusing causation and correlation, but then at the same time, the correlation itself is completely obvious and hardly worth researching. Of course groups of different demographics behave differently, that’s what the word “demographic” is all about.
Huh, weirdly I don’t remember that. I remember having to uncheck a whole bunch of check boxes for browser extensions, toolbars, WinZip pro, etc. But I didn’t remember that chrome was one of those. I’m sure you’re right though.
Wow… Well I maintain that is about the dumbest thing he could do, but I apologize for doubting you.