Blake [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • We need to change our perspectives. Electoral politics isn’t the most important thing for changing our society, it should be quite low on the list.

    What we really need to do to change the world for the better is to substantially change the structure of society. We need to build an alternative structure to what exists - a series of workers co-ops, housing co-ops, social centres, industrial unions, and so on, and once we have such a structure in place we can withhold our labour and stop participating in the exploitative, destructive system that exists now. This would effectively lead to the collapse of the current system in a way that would minimise harm.

  • Labour isn’t left wing, they’re neo-liberal. They are center-right at best. Come on, man. I’m not howling with despair, I’m trying to explain the problems. If you’re not reasonable enough to engage with my points then there’s no point in having the conversation.

    Labour aren’t going to take enough action on the things that really matter. They’re honest enough to tell you that. Are they going to hugely increase funding for the NHS? They already told us that they’re not going to, they’re going to increase funding a little bit, but focus on “””efficiency”””. Are they going to stop fossil fuel subsidies? They already said no. Are they going to increase renewable subsidies to be equal to or more than fossil fuel subsidies? Nope. Are they going to institute a wealth tax, something which was described as a “no-brainer” by economics researchers? No. They completely ruled it out.

    Labour aren’t the good guys anymore, man. They’re not as evil as Tories, they’re better than the Tories no doubt, but they’re not going to save us.

  • I’m sorry, but you’re not seeing the bigger picture. We have massive, structural problems that are inevitably leading towards a crisis the likes of which we have never seen. Climate change, massive inequality, a surge of far-right sentiment.

    Labour isn’t going to improve any of those things enough to matter. They’ll do little more than pay lip service to them while they continue the conservatives campaign of looting the country and funnelling wealth to those who are already wealthy.

    The amount of suffering that the labour government presides over is going to be unparalleled and they will do almost nothing to stop it because ultimately they still want to build a world for money, and not a world for people.

    You have NO reason to believe that labour would make any of these things really better. Look at anything they come out with. They always share the least inspirational, most vaguely worded aphoristic minimal policies possible. They rule out pretty much anything that would be bold enough to actually be effective.

    We need something more than labour if we’re going to prevent massive suffering. And this incoming labour government will almost indefinitely lead to fascism as a result.

  • And which of those points do you feel indicates that another referendum couldn’t be held?

    “Decisive expression of the views of people” just means that the referendum results should have a clear outcome e.g. yes or no, and “that everyone will respect” means that neither side would ignore the referendum result and force through their will regardless. It doesn’t mean that another vote couldn’t be held, does it? And if that was the intent, surely it would be written somewhere like, “and agrees not to push for a second referendum within 30 years of the result” or similar?

    You’ve got nothing and you know it.