Not at a stop light, nor as a way to immobilize you. While they can steal your catalytic converter surprisingly quickly, they’ll look for a minute or two of quiet time to slide under your car.
Not at a stop light, nor as a way to immobilize you. While they can steal your catalytic converter surprisingly quickly, they’ll look for a minute or two of quiet time to slide under your car.
Seatbelts are legally mandated. When that was going through, some people argued against that requirement on the grounds that there edge cases where it dies more harm than good.
Just like the case here, those edge cases are vanishingly rare.
Note: my car won’t move without a seatbelt, but it’s an EV so furthers the argument that EVs are taking control from the driver.
Yeah, I’m sure the asshole thought he was being funny ….
I’d put it somewhere north of harassment since they physically restricted her, but less than the direct threat that some people think
This is where you carry a window spike and smash and grab. Why make it so much more complicated?
How would they open the charge port door? I can still imagine it because I have a good imagination but it’s just not going to happen.
Is someone really going to go through the trouble of carrying a cut off cable and a piece of electronics to open the charge port, and have time to walk up to the car click to open, wait for the door to open and insert the cable? There are faster and easier ways to immobilize a car, why would anyone make it so complicated?
And that assumes that safety feature is still engaged when you’re already driving
This is the seatbelt argument all over again. The safety features protect people in the majority of scenarios. While there may be scenarios where it does more harm than good, they are rare. You’re much safer with the safety feature.
Let’s not go too far overboard. These guys are assholes who deserve some consequences. However the article didn’t include anything that looked like attempted rape, nothing violent, no direct threat of harm (indirect, maybe). Let’s try to be proportional here
Sure, there are some states that let you mag dump through your front door if someone rings the doorbell
It seems like Waymo would have a profit interest to pursue this type of issue vigorously.
Pshh, you need a good driver with a gun, then I’m sure everything will be resolved peacefully
Maybe it’s lack of transit in the us, I don’t know. Almost every public school district I’m familiar with, uses standard yellow school buses to bring kids to and from school. However Boston city schools give the kids an MBTA pass - I don’t know if that differed by age - and I imagine that’s true of other downtown schools where there’s transit
Interesting. Do you not have school buses, or are school buses not distinctly marked? How do kids get to school when it’s beyond walking distance?
Or the square with the driver in it: does it classify the driver as part of the motorcycle?
That’s suspicious - I can’t pass 100%. here’s a new captcha for you: make the user do 100 in a row
Currently my company is more concerned with intellectual privacy, security, liability. Of course that means they’ll only allow ai where they can pay for guarantees, and that brings us back to the cost.
You make it tempting to actually read scam email …. Almost
Not to excuse them, but this is from 2019. Yes, that behavior was so outrageous at the time, but hopefully it is no longer happening
A better analogy is search engines. It’s just another tool, but
When I started as a software engineer, my detailed knowledge was most important and my best tool was the manuals. Now my most important tools are search engines and autocomplete: I can work faster with less knowledge of the syntax and my value is the higher level thought about what we need to do. If my company ever allows AI, I fully expect it to be as important a tool as a search engine.
You were looking for office supplies: did you check an office supply store?
Gas pumps are something you’re doing “right now”, so you ought to remember. Vs a charging cable s something you plugged in last night and left that way. Much easier to forget.
You’re very unlikely to change drivers at a gas pump so you probably won’t forget. Vs a charging cable is something your spouse may or may not have plugged in last night, and they’re not necessarily there to remember.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a gas pump with trigger lock. You have to be actively involved with pumping gas, holding it the whole time, so unlikely to forget