So, the only “hate” here was from the people opposed to a ceasefire! Time for Braverman to go.

      10 months ago

      Confusing strategy to make a claim that’s so easy to prove wrong. Did you:

      a) Not look at the actual police report, and either a.1) uncritically repeat a claim you saw on, I don’t know, Stormfront, or a.2) make up a number?

      b) Look at the police report, but hope by not providing a link to it that nobody would bother to check?

      For clarity:

      Counter-protesters made up the “vast majority” of 126 arrests made, police said, while nine officers were injured.

      Those officers were injured on Whitehall as they prevented a violent crowd getting to the Cenotaph while a remembrance service was taking place, he said.