When it comes to any entertainment, we know a lot of the biggest nerdiest fans are male, and a lot of those are incels/misogynists. This is also arguably the case even moreso with comic and superhero content. And, a lot of the audience are kids, who often seem to be even more out of touch/anti-progressive/reactionary.

So I couldn’t help but take that into account when looking at the poor ratings for She-Hulk. I’m not saying it couldn’t be genuinely just bad, but maybe the ratings reflect a worse rating than the reality due to the anti-female bias from Marvel fans? (We’ve all seen it. “Blah mah women bad, bad because another woman.”)

If we were to remove the influence of misogynists/anti-feminists on its reception, would She-Hulk still be a bad series? Or might it actually be decent/good?