You couldn’t make this shit up.

    1 year ago

    I love the old phrase ‘if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu’. This type of outburst can only be spoken by a guy on the outside, he’s not allowed into the big boy meetings and he won’t survive the next election. Poor guy

    • Syldon@feddit.ukOP
      1 year ago

      He holds a mere 5k majority. That is very much in the worry zone of most Tory MPs. However, one as divisive as Anderson you would have to wonder why anyone would vote for him. He is the worst that the Tories have to offer. I think he knows his card is marked to be gone at the next election.

      There is a campaign to stop him being re-elected. I made this post regarding Anderson and what he could be up to. I even wrote to my own Labour MP to look into it. The response I got was very lacklustre. I was so annoyed, I never kept the letter. She said it was outside of her remit. I was given another name to try with the proviso that it is likely to be outside of his remit also. I am not the biggest fan of my local MP.

      I suppose I should be grateful she is not a Lee Anderson, but that is a low bar to be above.