• no grip of power, the Cabinet Office a dumpster fire and no No10 plan to fix it, No10 given the run-around by Whitehall as soon as the PM’s office switches from one disaster to the next

  • no governing plan for the NHS, crime, the war, productivity growth, R&D or anything else — just nightmarish Treasury budget/Spending Review processes that vandalise long-term building and entrench the dangerous rot of critical national capabilities

  • no message

  • no serious polling, communication or political machine (just incoherent jabbering to the media per the Tory model of ‘communication’ for decades)

  • no political strategy worth spit (current approach is indistinguishable from ‘annoy everyone’)

  • a humiliatingly awful level of argument from No10 on every major issue (reduced to defending idiot MPs telling people to ‘fuck off’ out of frustration that their own policy, which officials and their own spads told them couldn’t work, has turned into the predicted fiasco)

  • political disintegration

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    He makes a lot of good points:

    it’s roughly the Brown failure mode: a workaholic, the PM’s office a massive bottleneck and can’t sustain focus when the news shifts, the smartest MP but can’t build a team or lead etc etc

    And that Starmer will follow this model. Starmer would make a good Home Secretary or Director General but not a PM.

    I also like the idea of burying the Tory party and salting the earth, I just wonder what horrors he’d conjure up to replace them.

    But… it’s all a bit rich coming from Cummings:

    per the Tory model of ‘communication’ for decades

    He’s criticising a lot of the things he was in control of at the time. Why anyone would trust him again is the big question. Other than desperation.