More than 60% of Brits want to re-join the EU with nearly the same number saying Britain was wrong to leave in the first place, a new poll shows.

    1 year ago

    You have to understand that people like OP and Brexitiers are essentially one in the same. Like rabid football fans whose team must crush your team at all costs. They’re kids in their mentality and kids they will stay. To the detriment of everyone else. What seems to work with them is who can spout the most vitriolic nonsense. Just look at what her original post as an example.

    Fuck these people.

      1 year ago

      I have just browsed their profile and its a torrent of oversimplified theories and an absolute Unquenched hatred for the “left” with shit like “Free Mental health care is a leftists idea” well yeah, when the right treat mental health, they just shoot them for being “Untermensch” I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume this person has never had to deal with being poor or having a family member stricken with a disability or somone close that killed themselves.

      Their outlook seems pretty obtuse. If you look closer at it you will notice the classic “I was just joking” line come up when they are confronted. Pathetic human that, just by existing causes human society to slip back into destitution, not on purpose but, by their sheer stupidity.