In 1991, local newsstation reports Nintendo released their successor to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in...
In 1991 video games were not seen as a good use of time as theoretically you weren’t gaining any skill from them.
Cars are a false equivalence as they aren’t purely entertainment like SNES was.
Finally in 1991 most news media still had a “wall” between reporting/editorial staff and finances so things like ad placements weren’t as much if a factor. Removing that artificial division, which meant media was run as a company first rather than as a news source first, is behind a lot of the decline in news quality.
In 1991 video games were not seen as a good use of time as theoretically you weren’t gaining any skill from them.
Cars are a false equivalence as they aren’t purely entertainment like SNES was.
Finally in 1991 most news media still had a “wall” between reporting/editorial staff and finances so things like ad placements weren’t as much if a factor. Removing that artificial division, which meant media was run as a company first rather than as a news source first, is behind a lot of the decline in news quality.
Well, VCRs or TVs then. Microwaves. Vacuum cleaners. Lawn mowers. Plenty of expensive shit that broke every 5 years
Sounds more like someone bought cheap shit
The microwave we had as a kid, my brother still uses. It’s gotta be 40 years old or more.
We had tvs growing up that were 10-20 years old and I’m sure some of the newer 80s/90s tvs are still working, just aren’t used.
My brother still uses the electric lawn mower my parents bought in the 90s.
VCRs, well, I haven’t used one in years, so I couldn’t tell you the shape those are in.
My vacuum is over ten years old.
My first VCR was a gift in 1985. It broke three years ago. The ones we got in the mid 1990s as we bought more than one TV died faster.
1991 is still when most things were built to last and also video games consoles as a whole could be accurately seen as a “fad” by adults at the time.
I’ve got the lawn mower of Theseus, almost every part has been replaced at least once.
I want to buy a new one so bad, but every time mine stops working I manage to fix it.