Forget swiping your card - thanks to a banner year for biometric payments, with JPMorgan and Mastercard joining the fray, paying with your face could soon be your new reality.
Forget swiping your card - thanks to a banner year for biometric payments, with JPMorgan and Mastercard joining the fray, paying with your face could soon be your new reality.
Great Mastercard and JP Morgan making it easier for someone to rob you. Imagine them taking your pic and using it to make payments. This dystopia.
I suppose there is a security system to prevent just presenting a pic to the cam. But I agree that we shouldn’t trust it.
In any case, biometrics are bad to authenticate people. What’s the point of a key you can’t replace/change…
What happens if you get haircut or get zits etc? So much could make this not work. You know amount customers I have turn away because they come in wanting to use their phone to tap to pay.
Like come on people it’s a cool feature but why not carry your card for backup? Not every store except those.