Be me: Kin, Kitsune Summer; Arallas, Kinā€™s Eidolon

Be not me: Moon Song, Ponykind Rogue; Hissā€™r, Drakeling Psion; Ari, Kobold Gunslinger; Lethidicus ā€œLevā€, Human Cavelier; Serica, Griffon(Levā€™s Mount); DM

Picking up from last-timeā€™s cliffhanger: the party has angered a creature that was disguised as a Fortune Teller but now revealed to be a giant caterpillar-like monster

Initiative: Lev, Ari, Hissā€™r, Kin, Monsters, Moon

Lev springs into battle Bullrushing the Caterpillar away from Moon.

Ari strolls into combat and fires her double-barrel at the bug. Double hits!

Hissā€™r tries to get a good look at the thing, studying itā€¦

Itā€™s a cater-prism, a crystalized caterpillar. She knows this thing can be pretty dangerous.

Kin steps in staying at the back wall away from itā€¦ he summons an Electricity Elemental.

The cater-prism snaps at Lev ignoring is armor.

The ground trembles before for more are revealed!

The reinforcements power-attack dogpile on Lev one power-attacking Hissā€™r Wait, it canā€™t see her. Instead it hits Moon, severing her head.

Lev stabs one with his lance getting in a good poke while Ari reloadsā€¦

Does our conscientious objector consider these things living? No.

Hissā€™r takes a good position and blasts a group of them with Cold Energy Blast.

Kinā€™s summoned Elemental springs into the fight gaining flanking with Lev as Kin sickens it with Sickening Ray.

One caterprism breaks a claw striking at the heavy armor of Lev while the other poked and prods cutting into his mount.

Another manages to banish Kinā€™s Elementalā€¦ this isnā€™t looking so good.

Lev slays one with a well-placed Lance strike.

Our gunslinger takes aim and blasts one chipping off a significant amount of HP.

Hissā€™r blasts these bugs with psionic power stunning two of them.

Kin throws Acid Splash at a heavily wounded oneā€¦ not quite enough.

One of them can act and it tries to bite Lev!

Lev pokes and pokes and pokesā€¦ hitting once.

Hissā€™r isnā€™t playing nice anymore and throws Disintigrate at one of these oversized bugs.

Kin throws another Sickening Ray but the stunned enemy saves.

Lev coup 'de gras one of the stunned enemies.

Ari takes aim and blasts the final caterprismā€¦ not quite enough to kill.

Hissā€™r lands on Moonā€™s dead body and grabs her head to try a Raise Deadā€¦

It works! Moonā€™s unconscious.

Lev charges the last one, slaying it.

Hissā€™r pours power points into trying to heal Moon before anything unfortunate happens.

A few rounds later the party is mostly healedā€¦

I think weā€™ll need some rest before we go onward.

We skin the creatures weā€™ve slain and make our way back to the Bazaar.

We manage to avoid too much mayhem on the route back.

Back in the Bazaar we inquire about alternate exits to the Bazaarā€¦ we learn each Prime-Material Plane has itā€™s own exit to the maze and there are exits to the Bazaar usable by people whoā€™ve found at-least three through the maze.

Ari decides theyā€™ve had enough adventuring given how frequently one of us die in spite of being returned to lifeā€¦ they head out with a band of people leaving the dungeon.

Previoues Session: