It’s as complicated as you make it to be, and that’s gonna vary WILDLY per person lmao
It’s as complicated as you make it to be, and that’s gonna vary WILDLY per person lmao
scrubbing floors with an RC car still sounds pretty cool
I’ve got the legion y540 with an RTX 2060, apparently they made this same model number with a couple different gpu‘s.
I have no idea if it officially has linux support or not, I just got frustrated when it wouldn’t stop bluescreen’ing with windows 10. Ubuntu worked fine but was finnacky with peripherals, and I couldn’t change the brightness without fixes. Pop!OS has just worked perfectly across the board, straight out of the box.
What’s whacky is I could swear games run better on linux. Not even natively, like WINDOWS games run better through proton than they did when the same system ran windows. I’d bet a lot of it is just overhead from general bloat; windows is expensive to run these days.
If my experience is anything to go by, just start installing whatever OS strikes your fancy and hope for the best. Keep a windows usb handy just in case, but just start fucken around! You could spend a week reading documentation on ONE SINGLE OS, or you could spend just an afternoon trying probably every single OS you could find a modern ISO for. Just make sure you try the popular ones first hahaha
argh that’s literally the ONE that was tempting me, now I guess I GOTTA buy one! this sucks!
(thank you so much i’ve wanted to buy this since it came out)
Huge is just about 9 times the size of normal.
Goofy like silly, not like unacceptable. Reckon all three of us are happy it’s as high as it is!
I like it! Even if the majority of em completely abandon the accounts afterwards, it’ll increase the visibility of a fledgeling platform AND it’ll show a few folks that alternative social media platforms exist.
I mean, shit, if lemmy can suit my needs there’s no reason it shouldn’t work for at least some of em.
In my head it’s like half a percent, 4.45% seems huge.
ooh! what’s the e-ink notepad, and what’s your usecase like?
it seems so appealing to just have a functionally infinite notebook on hand, but i’ve yet to find one that could ACTUALLY replace a regular physical notebook for me.
I recognize I’m kind of being one of those “it works on my machine!” types, but I’m rolling pop!os on a lenovo built intel/nvidia laptop and have zero issues. Am I just exceptionally lucky?
god i wish they had merch
aww xp was so charming though!
I make that same mistake enough that at this point I figure I’m just contributing to the paradigm shift of modern english grammar.
Making the oxford comma mandatory is my next big target.
In defense of Andrew, until windows 10 never had I ever installed a program that made it’s own files untouchable unless you did some real fuckery with permissions.
As soon as they introduced that little warning screen in program files it was clear shit was going downhill for power users.
every month i send off $10k for “the benefit and continued development of rickyrigatoni” and you’re telling me you work for FREE?
who’s been cashing the checks, ricky?
Would it be possible to clone the snipping tool from windows?
don’t remind me of better days
As worse and worse win11 features are unveiled it’s so funny to see these posts slowly filled with more “yeah i just switched to linux” comments.
too much libsodium
i’m a photoshop simp who straight up couldn’t use GIMP because of the clunky UI, but after switching to linux i’m an avid photogimp advocate.