The bigger fool might also be the taxpayer. Oops the company we funded vanished - now we have a $500k loss to write off…
The bigger fool might also be the taxpayer. Oops the company we funded vanished - now we have a $500k loss to write off…
Thanks for this, I was wondering why I couldn’t get barrier to work properly
I’ve had some success with fmstrat/winapps (if I remember the repo correctly) but that might be overkill for your use case
Not much info on how to achieve it, but some info why it might be bad can be found on the ublue discourse site. (Search for KDE gnome) Basically it seems to mess up configs to have both DEs installed or rebasing from one to the other.
I will jump into that rabbit hole, thanks!
Yeah I don’t as in the bazzite installer it’s a real pain to set it up manually (also not allowing you to spread the partitions over multiple drives during the initial setup)
Ah well, not the first time I changed distro xD I’ll make some space on my drive and test it
A very dumb question probably, but I’m new to using Linux so I lack a lot of understanding: I’m on Bazzite atm. Would there be a simple way to switch to blend OS without wiping everything? Like a rebase? Probably not but I figured it’s worth a shot to ask xD
Try fmstrat/winapps it’s installation process is well documented and it works relatively well. In case you don’t need too much functionality (e.g. complex formatting/custom template/a ton of custom add-ons) the online version might work for you. There’s also a web app for teams you can find on flathub iirc. Betterbird also gives you a ton of options and with owl addin it handles exchange pretty well and also gives you access to the teams web app directly inside betterbird
That sounds awful. Have you tried disabling energy saving options (like automatic screenlock/sleep)?
I think I get slightly better performance on Bazzite than on mint. Mint e.g. still has the 535 Nvidia drivers as recommended (we’re at 550 now). On Bazzite you’ll probably have to enable x11 until the new update with explicit sync drops mid May. (At least I had a ton of flickering on Wayland with my rtx 3060)
I had a lot of crashes as soon as I installed it. Must have been some driver/hardware issues probably. I’m not knowledgeable enough (and frankly had no energy to troubleshoot) I just installed mint which ran without (much) trouble. I was interested in a more up to date system and KDE plasma as well as pipewire already integrated and looked at bazzite (after another unsuccessful try at nobara) - have been t running it for a few weeks now and I’m perfectly happy with it. CS 2 also runs without problems - but I mainly cast matches instead of playing myself.
I tried to get nobara to run a few times but sth was always broken. I’m now on Bazzite after testing Linux Mint a few months. Bazzite seems to be the more polished fedora based gaming distro.
Reaper also lets you keep evaluating it if you’re unsure that you want to buy it.
It’s what Microsoft opted to call their office suite now. So Office365 is now officially Microsoft 365 in an effort to acknowledge that your office work has now completely left their focus and they are only concentrating on themselves
Awesome thank you for taking the time too be so detailed! Ok I think I’m starting to see what I need to do.
I’ll definitely look it up. Thanks for the help!
That’s the tool yes. I’ve followed a guide that should have also included optimization. One of the problems I encountered: it doesn’t recognize the monitors properly which makes it a pain e.g. opening an email in a new window. Also lots of flickering and "wrong"colors (Outlook icon is turquoise for example). Nonetheless I would need a “full” Windows environment for the training sessions anyways (don’t want to confuse the attendees more than necessary by showing them an unfamiliar OS)
Thanks for the extensive answer and the video. I’ll put it to good use since I wanted to do a clean reinstall anyways.
There’s writefreely, which might be what you’re looking for: