Glad you have something that works for you. 👍👁️👄👁️👍
For what I do, there’s very low risk of anything happening. As for why use it at all. I hate dealing with linux bullshit and mac is intolerably locked down. Windows for better or worse is still the middle ground.
How about I not pay and take my chances…
So hold it elsewhere? Why does it have to be at a business? Seems a weird place to have a vigil anyways. Why not somewhere more somber or respectful?
I don’t think this is any of that though. Company property isn’t public property. The company can refuse service to people and require people to have permits for assembly. Employees don’t need to sit down and stfu, but there are ways to properly organize and do all the things they want without getting fired
While they could power-wise, they won’t because that’d be too overt. They have to keep the meat grinder at a steady pace so as not to have countries coming in to stop them. Slow genocide is how they win. If you kill a little at a time countries think they can’t act on it or behave like they can’t.
I am glad it’s worked for so many. I wasn’t able to adapt to it.
I mean…they organized in the company headquarters witbout any kind of authorization to do so. Almost any company would have fired those responsible. I don’t think it has to do with political opinion so much as unauthorized use of facilities.
DiaperV can go die in a fire. I’d move to Nutanix
I’m personally happy that it makes my pushes for Nutanix that much easier.
In many cases this means avoiding the service altogether. So long as you are good with that, then yeah by all means, don’t download it or use the service. I don’t use plenty of services because I don’t want their app. Instagram is one of those.
It’s not as bad here but I already ran into having a comment of mine deleted from a sub because I suggested that Peter Molyneux is a scam artist, no longer a developer, if he ever couod be considered one. I didn’t think that was such an outlandish position that it warranted deletion. But it was removed with an exceptionally vague reason and they wouldn’t responded to me asking for an explanation. So how am I supposed to even know when my opinion will offend a tender soul there? My guess is peter Molyneux himself was the mod. Lol
Great option if you already have one. For everyone else. Don’t buy HP.
I’ve never liked this guy, he just always felt like a smarmy asshole each time I tried to watch him and he shilled Apple stuff way too hard for my liking. Blocked his channel and several channels that collabed with him and was mostly able to ignore his existence. Doing something shitty like this kinda adds confirmation to my perceptions of him. What an out of touch douche move.
It was fun when it started. Once it devolved into that bullshit you listed I quit going.
Firefox and Firefox Focus
Wow, was waiting on the pro to drop, but now I giess I’ll just pass the ps5 generstion altogether. This sucks ass.
They have to convince the AI that there are 3 R’s in strawberry
That’s stupid as hell. They think a bunch of kids are just going to sit there and listen to a robot? They don’t expect them to take advantage of every flaw in AI? Not only that but it removes the human interaction element of development. And to just top it off, AI is so basal right now that it will most likely teach students erroneous information anyways. Why are so many influential people with money complete morons?
I think once a company is of a certain size they shouldn’t be granted IP and copyright. It’s helpful to protect first to market small companies or groups. Big companies can’t just clone and churn when they see something they want. But if they already have scale advantage they shouldn’t need or get IP and copyright advantage.