The commodity fetishism one?
Man I read this exact passage a long time ago in my intro to social theory seminar:
Please consider donating to the Open Medicine Foundation to help people suffering from extremely disabling and underfunded lifelong illnesses with no know treatment.
The commodity fetishism one?
Man I read this exact passage a long time ago in my intro to social theory seminar:
I’d love the few paragraphs preceding that.
The sentence makes sense on its own, and i agree with it, but I’d love the surrounding context.
Yeah lol. I can make 3-4 shitty memes in 30 mins.
It fascinates me how hard it is to make sure people understand that
Real people are being hurt, real elections are being won with these operations. Read the full memo, it’s in the crosspost.
I’d love to read more about that if you know a source :)
What I mean more by this is that european intelligence agencies tend to have:
I am, I’m Swiss.
But the fact is by far the most active, successful and offensive western intelligence agencies are in the United States.
I wish. But the republicans would never.
Add to the the russian bots
Disabled people!
Headline seems either very poorly done or maliciously motivated then
I used to spend so many nights with chess cum
Ah thanks for the edit, it helps, because there are a lot of section 4’s