Since CUNY is jointly funded by New York state and New York City — an unusual arrangement in the United States — the PSC’s protests target both. On Dec. 2, over 1,000 PSC members, plus CUNY students and members of other unions representing CUNY workers, including mechanics and plumbers, showed up at Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office in midtown Manhattan.

It was not just a picket line. The workers held a “Sing Out, Shout Out!” action to advocate “For real raises! For better benefits! For Job Security! For pay equity! For remote work opportunities! For promotional opportunities!”

The Sing Out had the old union standards like “Solidarity Forever” and “Which Side Are You On?” but also “Union Made For CUNY” — a lyrical adaptation of a Woody Guthrie tune — and other topical songs. In addition to the above demands, the union pushed for free tuition, better counseling, more full-time faculty and staff, and fixing CUNY’s crumbling buildings.